About the Organisation

Agragati is a recognised community support Civil Society Organisation that focuses on fostering innovations to help the poor’s sustainable lifestyles. Established as a “not for profit” in 23rd January 1978. We have taken the direction he set under the skillful and vivacious leadership of the dedicated social worker Mr. Tapan Kumar Mandal, who was moved to action by the dreadful predicament of flood effected people in West Bengal in 1978 and was inspired to take action to improve their socio-economic conditions.

In order to bring about socioeconomic transformation for unreached people such tribes, ST, SC, and weaker sections, Agragati has enlisted the aid of a number of committed social activists, social workers, local community workers/leaders, and national/international organisations.

Building Governance system, PRI institutions and Gram Sabhas to ensure effective public delivery services to the local people has been one of our main areas of focus. The other has been improving the lives and welfare of poor and tribal people and other vulnerable communities, with a particular focus on tribal women and low economic group.

Agragati is structured exclusively allows it to operate at all stages of the value chain, including implementing village-level programmes, collaborating with the Government, multilateral and bilateral organisations, and civil society organisations to improve and enhance their patterns of livelihood, as well as leading initiatives to support, educate and influence policy.

Agragati NGO

Our Journey

We are a strong believer and practitioner of people’s participatory process. Agragati is a non-profit making organisation founded on 23rd Jan, 1978 in Amta, West Bengal with the aim of empowering communities particularlyw women & children. Agragati in Jharkhand came into existnace in 1996 with a vision of empowering communities which started in Karma gram panchayat in collaboration with SPAR.
(a) – in the year 2000, Agragati facilitated school feeding program (districbution) of Catholic relief fund
(b) – in 2001, undertook facilitation role of reproductive child health programe under KGVK
(c) – in 2003, collaboration with PACS for implementing & partnership with ICCO (Netherlands)
(d) – in 2003 & 2004 collaboration with district jute technology mission, NCJD, JOI & ICCO for working with silver jewellery artisans & running 3 rehabilitation cum child welfare centre & extensive partnership with NABARD, DRDA, welfare dept & tourism dept

Our Board

We are a strong believer and practitioner of people’s participatory process. Agragati is a non-profit making organisation founded on 23rd Jan, 1978 in Amta, West Bengal with the aim of empowering communities particularlyw women & children. Agragati in Jharkhand came into existnace in 1996 with a vision of empowering communities which started in Karma gram panchayat in collaboration with SPAR.
ongoing projects